Dr. Pradeep Jain - This article consist some answers to
frequently asked questions related to stomach cancer. Read them and add to your
knowledge. For more information, consult your doctor.
Question: What is
stomach cancer?
Answer: Stomach cancer is when cancer cells start
growing inside the stomach. Because this cancer is rarely occur, it is often
diagnosed at its last stage and also there is no early symptoms of this
disease. Late diagnosing makes it difficult to cure or treat. With the
increasing improvement in the methods of preparing and preserving the foods,
the rate of stomach cancer reduces. Don’t consider stomach ulcers as stomach
cancer, which are very common.
Question: What are the
risk factors and causes of stomach cancer?
Answer: According to the doctors, number of
risk factors that causes stomach cancer includes:
Diet: Foods that are low in fiber and high
in starch such as salted fish, smoked, and pickled vegetables have been found
as risk factors.
· Use of tobacco and smoking: Smoking and tobacco use maximize the
chances of cancer in the upper digestive tract including stomach.
Family stomach cancer history: Numerous blood relatives who have had
the same cancer increase the risk of an individual.
Age: After 50, there is a rapid risk of
stomach cancer and in most of the cases the disease is diagnosed in late 60s
and 80s.
Question: What symptoms
show stomach cancer?
Answer: Although symptoms may vary, some
common symptoms include:
in vomiting
burning sensation or indigestion
of appetite
pain or discomfort
and diarrhea
weight loss
While these symptoms more often caused by other medical
conditions too. Still if you experience any of the above symptoms, you should
see your doctor immediately.
Question: Are
treatments available for stomach cancer?
Answer: Stomach cancer can be treated by
surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Gastrointestinal cancer is
initially treated with surgery. The common treatment is the removal of the
entire stomach. However the location of the tumor decides which part or total
stomach is removed.
After surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are
performed to reduce the risks of recurrence. As per your case, a doctor may
perform just one or combination with the therapy to cure cancer.
Question: Is there any
side effect of the treatment?
Answer: Depending on the treatment, side
effects may vary. Gastrectomy, the most effective stomach cancer treatment
where a part of the stomach is removed is a major surgery. In this surgery,
patient needs to make changes in his/her diet plan. The medications used in
chemotherapy are useful for killing cancer cells but they also damage normal
cells of the body that brings side effects like diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, bleeding
and lack of appetite, shortness of breath and fatigue.
Question: What are the
diagnose tests for stomach cancer?
Answer: Biopsy, EUs (Endoscopic ultrasound),
fecal occult blood test, Upper GI series and Upper endoscopy.
Dr Pradeep Jain is an experienced Gastroenterology
and Hepatology Surgeon. Dr Pradeep JainFortis Hospital has long record of successful GI surgery and a large number
of satisfied and happy patients.
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