Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Dr. Pradeep Jain -A Guide to Weight Loss Surgery & Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Pradeep Jain - Bariatric surgery is often called as weight loss surgery, one of the amazing blessings of medical science for those people who have concerns about your weight. Several people are out there struggling with their weight that reached a stage where they are no longer comfortable with it. Increased body weight makes your movement difficult and keeps you away from several activities that you were easily performed, plus added lots of problems that were out of your reach of concerned about before.

Probably it’s not like that you have not attempted to lose your weight before it deteriorates. Numerous individuals perform exercising with the combination of eating plan that they thought is the best for shedding pounds however yet there is no positive result. For these individuals, medicinal science provides a decent opportunity to lose their undesirable weight through surgery, known as bariatric surgery or weight reduction surgery.

Weight loss surgery often restraint the amount of food taken in furthermore influences the way you absorb nutrients and digest food. Bariatric surgery is a part of gastrointestinal surgery that alters the digestive process to achieve weight loss quickly. The entire surgery can be performed in any one of two ways that includes Gastric Banding and Gastric Bypass.

In Gastric Banding surgery, using laparoscopic technique, a band is fitted on the top of the patient’s stomach. Just a little amount of food needs to be expended, after which the patient would as of now feel full. Having the surgery performed on your stomach implies that you need to consume your food quite slowly, to process it better. This surgery leads to loss of about 40% of excess weight and is considered as the safest one to reduce the excessive body weight.

Gastric Banding surgery is of three types such as Adjustable Gastric Banding, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, and Vertical Banded Gastroplasty. Collectively they are known as restrictive weight loss surgeries. These surgeries are safer and easier to perform because of laparoscopic technique used in the procedures. However some risks are also involved in the surgery such as vomiting, slippage of the band and rarely the breaks in the tubing.

On the other hand, in Gastric Bypass surgery, a more modest stomach is made and through this bypass the patient would have a feeling of already being full, despite the fact that he has just consumed a generally little amount of food. Also on the grounds that the patient is feeling full at an early timing, it implies that he would be eating lesser calories than if he would be consuming consistently. It is most common weight loss surgery practiced around the world because of fewer complications and risks involvement as compared to other bariatric surgery.

This surgery provides several benefits such as it greatly controls the intake of food, dumping syndrome and in case of emergency, it is possible to reverse this surgery.

Dr Pradeep Jain is Highly experienced and knowledgeable GI surgeon, Dr PradeepJain Fortis works through tiny incisions to perform several laparoscopic procedures of Gastrointestinal tract.

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