Thursday, 28 August 2014

Dr. Pradeep Jain -Laparoscopic Surgery & Its Complexities

Dr. Pradeep Jain Fortis - Let’s firstly discuss about what laparoscopic surgery is all about? Laparoscopic usually means minimally invasive is an advanced and specialized technique used for surgeries. Traditionally the surgery was generally performed for gall bladder surgery and gynecologic surgery.

The technique is performed using a laparoscope, a surgical tool that easily appears inside the body to perform some sort of operations. The laparoscope is attached with a tiny camera that transmits the image to a monitor so that the internal organs are easily visible to the surgeon performing the operation.

The uses of small incisions approx 0.5-1cm make this process a minimally invasive. Each incision has separate port through which trochar is introduced and during the process, through trochar laparoscope and the surgical tools are passed. Within the abdomen, carbon dioxide gas is filled that create a working space for the surgeon.

Rectopexy, Total Abdominal Colectomy, Proctosigmoidectomy, Fecal Diversion, Total Proctocolectomy, Abdominoperineal Resection and Right Colectomy or IIeocolectomy are the operations for which laparoscopic surgery is performed. In addition, the surgery is suggested for the removal of intestinal parts and appendix; treating endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy and female sterilization; and removal and repair of the gastrointestinal tracts.

Issues Associated with Laparoscopic Surgeries 

Similarly as with any surgical method, laparoscopy excessively has likely risk of anesthesia overdose. In spite of famous thinking, it would be putting it mildly that laparoscopic process is totally risk free. Complexities of laparoscopy may be characterized as per numerous phases of the method. Issues identified with presentation of pneumoperitoneum and setting of laparoscope includes heart arrhythmias, puncturing of an empty viscus, and piercing of strong organ, dying, and subcutaneous emphysema. On the other hand, the likelihood of complications emerging in a laparoscopic method is less.

Specific Complications of this surgery includes the damage to blood vessels and bowel that are particularly related to the laparoscopic technique. There is minor chance of experiencing injury to urinary bladder, intestines and abdominal organs. Such major causes of accidents are due to the inexperience surgeon performing the operation. In case of severe problem occurs, another surgery is performed with larger incisions, however if there is mild complications, doctors suggest antibiotic medications.

If, after surgery, you experience chills, fever, redness near the injected areas, difficulty in passing urine and abdomen soreness, contact your surgeon right away. The surgery is not for all, in some cases, it is inadvisable too.

Even though the technique has its own benefits and risks involved, some aspects like heart failure, non- cooperative patient, presence of distended bowel, and respiratory problems make it highly ill- considered. As per some experts, the surgery is not for those patients who have already suffering from certain diseases. Furthermore COPD and cardiovascular patients are not good candidates for laparoscopy surgery. Also the old age patients are not recommended for the same and who have had abdominal surgery done in past should not for the surgery.

Dr Pradeep Jain is an expertise surgeon, specialized in performing radical Esophagectomies, Reteroperitoneal tumors via minimal access endoscopic surgical procedure. Dr Pradeep JainFortis Hospital explains these are not to be confused with liposuction or other cosmetic procedures.

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